Environment Policy
RoHS Statement
On January 27 2003 the European Union formally issued the "Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive" (WEEE-2002/96/EC) and the "Restrictions on Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment" directive (RoHS-2002/95/EC). In the official minutes published on February 13 2003, it was also declared that starting from July 1 2006 all electrical and electronic equipment sold in the European market must not contain hazardous heavy metals that violate the directives, including lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE). This restriction is aimed at reducing the harm and impact that these substances cause to the human body and environment. Rayson is very concerned about environment protection issues; therefore, we acted assertively in that area. To comply with the regulations of Reduction of Hazardous Material (RoHS) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Rayson has started to test raw material management and lead-free manufacturing process since 2003. Starting 2005, formal lead-free process was implemented. ● Raw Material Management-- Only use certified raw materials -- Assign dedicated storage to store the materials -- Use dedicated production line ● Led-free Manufacturing ProcessApril 2003 : Studying led-free manufacturing process October 2003 : First implementation of led-free manufacturing process March 2004 : Obtaining led-free approval by Pioneer Electronics December 2004 : Setting up new led-free production line January 2005 : Implementing led-free manufacturing operation |
Environmental Control
Rayson's environmental policy defines our responsibility to society and our duty to protect the environment. As we pursue continued business development and preservation of the environment, beyond seeking improvements and breakthroughs in technology, we shall also adopt a conscientious attitude to promoting environmental management systems and associated activities. These are aimed to preventing pollution, creating a superior workplace, protecting the mental and physical well-being of our employees as well live up to our legal, social and environmental corporate responsibilities. Rayson regulate following rules complying with ISO 14001: 1.Fulfill environmental laws: Check environmental laws & comply with environmental regulation requirements of governing agencies. 2.Express resource ideas: Proper use of earth resources to limit wasteful behavior. Reduce environmental pollution and conserve energy. 3.Continuous green production: Periodic inspection to ensure proper execution of environmental policies and improvements. Put effort in to maintaining our green earth. |